Total Donations to Date

Goal: $2500

We're thrilled to have you here. Above, you can witness our journey towards our ambitious goal, detailed through our total donations received so far. We believe in full transparency and the power of collective action, which is why we're committed to sharing every step of this journey with you.

Below, you will find detailed proof and receipts of our donations for each month. These will be available within the first week of the month. This is our way of ensuring you know exactly how your generosity is making an impact.

Together, inch by inch, we're moving towards our goal. Inshallah, with every donation, we're not just lighting a candle; we're creating a magnificent beacon of hope that shines brightly in the lives of those we aim to help.

Your support means the world to us, and together, we truly can make a significant difference. A heartfelt thank you for being part of this journey. Your trust and contributions are what fuel this mission. Let's keep the momentum going, spread the light, and achieve our goal together!

This Month's Receiving Organizations

  • February

    Alhamdulillah, during our relaunch month in February, we were able to donate a total of $202. Of this amount, $101 was contributed to the PCRF, and another $101 was donated to UNRWA.

  • March

    Alhamdulillah, during the month of February, we were able to donate a total of $876.54. Of this amount, $473.24 was contributed to the PCRF, and another $403.24 was donated to UNRWA.

  • April

    Sorry, It's a little late.
    We working on posting the donations as soon as possible!

  • May

    Available in first week of June 2024.

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