Bring a Palestinian Scent Into Your Space!

Transform your space with our handcrafted candles, capturing the very essence of Palestine. Illuminate your surroundings, ignite your senses, and join us in a captivating journey that supports the Palestinian cause."

Why Us?

We stand out as your ideal choice because we are an organization passionately dedicated to the Palestinian cause. Every single candle we create is meticulously handcrafted with care and love. Our mission was born from the desire to offer a meaningful solution to the ongoing boycott of major brands that contribute to the aggression against Palestinians. By choosing our candles, you are not only enjoying a high-quality product but also actively contributing to a cause close to all of our hearts.

Who Do We Support?

At Have Faith, our hearts are firmly aligned with the Palestinian cause, and we're proud to stand alongside the global community in advocating for justice, peace, and universal human rights. We deeply believe that the Palestinian cause is not only just but also noble, representing a variety of important issues stemming from the ongoing aggression.